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Political Theory and Philosophy

My work in political theory and philosophy follows three streams: continental political philosophy, political theology, and philosophy of education. Central to my theoretical work has been the exploration of the sources and successors of Giorgio Agamben's philosophical project. This has included a number of articles and book chapters on the work of Carl Schmitt, as well as comparisons between Agamben's concept of "destituent potential" with the work of Simone Weil and contemporary constituent power theorists.


Agamben and Schmitt have also played a large role in my engagement with political theology, including in guiding a new reading of "sojourning" in the writings of Pope Clement of Rome, recently published in the Cambridge Review of International Affairs. My research interests in political theology are closely related to the work I do in continental political philosophy as well as theologies of the international.


My writings in philosophy of education have appeared in Educational Philosophy and TheoryStudies in Philosophy and Education, and the Journal of Philosophy of Education. I draw together Agambenian philosophy of education, empirical findings from the scholarship of teaching and learning, and recent developments in political theory. This work has recently culminated in Weak Utopianism in Education: From Political Theory to Pedagogical Practice (2024), which is published in Routledge's "Rethinking Education" series.

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