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Educational Research

My educational research interests have focused on the development of innovative learning strategies (especially active learning), alternative classroom design, and the sociology of how International Relations is taught in Canada. I have held a variety of leadership roles including as an associate member of the University of Ottawa's Research Unit on the Advancement of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, an elected school board trustee, program co-chair of the International Studies Association Active Learning in International Affairs Section, and on the board of the SoTL-Canada (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning-Canada) network.


Innovative learning strategy research has been largely driven by work as a course instructor, as well as earlier work as a teaching assistant and with adult and young learners in a living history museum. I have published on active learning in the Journal of Political Science Education, the adaptation of active learning to asynchronous online education in European Political Science, and blended learning in the Journal of Museum Education. My work on active learning classrooms has largely focused on best practices, appearing in the International Journal for Academic Development, and Collected Essays in Learning and Teaching. Work on the teaching of International Relations in Canada has been published in the Canadian Journal of Political Science and International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis.


Weak Utopianism in Education: From Political Theory to Pedagogical Practice (2024, Routledge) is the culmination of my work at the intersection of philosophy of education and political theory. The book explores the possibility of pedagogical change in a non-revolutionary manner, informed by the philosophy of Giorgio Agamben.

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