My Publications
Weak Utopianism in Education: From Political Theory to Pedagogical Practice. 2024. Routledge.
Quantizing Critique: Quantum Social Theory for Critical International Relations Theorists. 2021. Palgrave Macmillan.
Edited Collections
The Palgrave Handbook of International Relations Theory. anticipated 2024. Palgrave Macmillan. (Co-editor, with Jamie Frueh, Jacqueline de Matos Ala, and Paul Diehl)
Early Career Instructors: Learning How to Teach Political Science and International Relations. anticipated 2024. (with Misbah Hyder).
Special Issues & Special Sections
"Laura Zanotti's Ontological Entanglements, Agency, and Ethics in International Relations." 2021. Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 49(1): 117-193 (Forum editor, with solo-authored and peer-reviewed introduction)
"Emergency eLearning in Political Science and International Relations." 2021. PS: Political Science and Politics. (Co-edited with Eric Loepp with solo-authored and editorial-reviewed conclusion.)
"Security Dialogue at 50: Revisiting Half a Century of Studying Security." 2019. Security Dialogue Virtual Special Issue (VSI editor, with solo-authored and editorial-reviewed introduction.)
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Murphy, Michael PA. 2024. “Canada’s Approach to Quantum in Security and Economics: Feminist Foreign Policy or Tokenizing #WomenInSTEM?” Canadian Foreign Policy Journal. OnlineFirst: 1-14.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2024. “Accidental Paradiplomats? The Curious Case of Ontario School Board Budgets and Canadian Soft Power Projection.” International Journal OnlineFirst: 1-15.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2024. “The ‘UFO Taboo’ Is What IR Theorists Make of It: ‘Sovereignty and the UFO’ in Citational Perspective.” Alternatives OnlineFirst: 1-21.
Heffernan, Andrew, and Michael PA Murphy. 2023. “A Quantum Model of Climate Change? Insights from Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Namibia.” Asian Journal of Comparative Politics. OnlineFirst: 1-14.
Murphy, Michael PA and Amelia C. Arsenault. 2023. "Teaching 'Pays the Bills'? A Study of Doctoral Program Descriptions in Canadian Political Science Departments." American Review of Canadian Studies 53(4): 487-503.
Murphy, Michael PA, Andrea Phillipson, and Andrew B. Leger. 2023. “Instructor Perceptions on Split-Site Course Design: A Pilot Study on Increasing Student Engagement by Integrating Traditional and Active Learning Classrooms.” College Teaching OnlineFirst: 1-11.
Leger, Andrew B., Karalyn E. McRae, and Michael PA Murphy. 2023. “A Committee to Manage Innovative Learning Spaces: Balancing Committee Size, Cross-Campus Representation, and Decision-Making Power.” Journal of Learning Spaces 12(1): 1-6.
Murphy, Michael PA, Andrew Heffernan, Caroline Dunton, and Amelia C. Arsenault. 2023. "The disciplinary scholarship of teaching and learning in political science and international relations: methods, topics, and impact." International Politics OnlineFirst: 1-19.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2022. "Violent Interference: Structural Violence, Quantum International Relations, and the Ethics of Entanglement." Global Studies Quarterly 2(3): 1-12.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2022. "Entangled observers? A quantum perspective on authority in critical security studies." Critical Studies on Security 10(3): 119-131. (Lead article in issue).
Murphy, Michael PA. 2022. “Clement to the Corinthians (On Climate Change?): Sojourning as a Theologico-Political Alternative to Environmental Emergency Rhetoric.” Cambridge Review of International Affairs 35(6): 915-932.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2022. "Evaluating Simultaneous Group Activities Through Self-and Peer-Assessment: Addressing the" Evaluation Challenge" in Active Learning." Journal of Political Science Education 18(4): 511-522.
Heffernan, Andrew, Michael PA Murphy, and Doug Yearwood. 2022. "Can active learning be asynchronous? Implementing online peer review assignments in undergraduate political science and international relations courses." European Political Science 21: 537-549.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2022. "The Strategies of ‘Getting It Out the Door’: Personal Finance Lessons Applied to Writing for Scholarly Publishing." Journal of Scholarly Publishing 53(4): 212-223.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2021. “Markets are Constantly Collapsing: Reconceptualizing ‘the Market’ as a Quantum Social Wavefunction.” Competition & Change 25(5): 561-579.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2021. “The Double Articulation of Sovereign Bordering: Spaces of Exception, Sovereign Vulnerability, and Agamben’s Schmitt/Foucault Synthesis.” Journal of Borderlands Studies 36(4): 559-615.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2021. “Quantizing Post-Critique: Entangled Ontologies and Critical International Relations.” Millennium: Journal of International Studies 49(1): 175-185.
Murphy, Michael PA, and Andrew Heffernan. 2021. “Assessing Three Elements of ‘Canadian’ International Relations.” Canadian Journal of Political Science. 54(1): 209-221.
Arsenault, Amelia C., Andrew Heffernan, and Michael PA Murphy. 2021. “What is the Role of Graduate Student Journals in the Publish-or-Perish Academy? Three Lessons from Three Editors-in-Chief.” International Studies 58(1): 98-115.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2021. “Feats of Strength for Weak Utopianism: Giorgio Agamben, Educational Potentiality, and the Studious Spatiality of the Active Learning Classroom.” Journal of Philosophy of Education 55(1): 204-214.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2020. “The Rise, Fall, and Afterlife of Learning Styles: An Essay on Megarianism and Emancipation in Educational Potentiality.” Studies in Philosophy and Education 39(2): 205-217.
Murphy, Michael PA and Jovan F. Groen, 2020. “Student and Instructor Perceptions of a First Year in Active Learning Classrooms: Three Lessons Learned.” Collected Essays in Learning and Teaching 13: 41-49.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2020. “CJSoTL at 10: A Quantitative Analysis of Authorship, Genre, and Impact.” The Canadian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 11(2): 1-10.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2020. “Belief without Evidence? A Policy Research Note on Universal Design for Learning.” Policy Futures in Education. 7(1): 7-12.
Murphy, Michael PA and Michael J. Wigginton. 2020. “Canadian International Relations, American Social Science? Evidence from Academic Journals and Comprehensive Reading Lists.” International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis 75(1): 5-23.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2020. “COVID-19 and Emergency eLearning: Consequences of the Securitization of Higher Education for Post-Pandemic Pedagogy.” Contemporary Security Policy. 41(3): 492-505. *Most-read and most-cited article in journal’s history*
Murphy, Michael PA. 2020. “Reading Technocratic Exceptionalism through Economic Theology: Giorgio Agamben, Jacqueline Best, and the Completion of the ‘Double Paradigm’ of Sovereignty.” International Politics. 58(5): 723-737.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2020. “The Securitization Audience in Theologico-Political Perspective: Giorgio Agamben, Doxological Acclamations, and Paraconsistent Logic.” International Relations 34(1): 67-83.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2020. “Potentiality, Political Protest, and Constituent Power—A Response to the Special Issue.” Journal of International Political Theory 16(3): 361-380.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2020. “Active Learning as Destituent Potential: Agambenian Philosophy of Education and Moderate Steps Toward the Coming Politics.” Educational Philosophy and Theory 52(1): 66-78.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2020. “Should We Prepare Students for Active Learning Classrooms? An Unresolved Question and Two Provocations.” International Journal of Academic Development 25(3): 273-284.
Murphy, Michael PA and Daniel Rose. 2019 “Curator’s Curiosities: Active Learning as Interpretive Pedagogy.” Journal of Museum Education 44(1): 81-88.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2019. “What Does It Mean to Be Anti-Social? Potentiality and Political Ontology in The Buribunks.” Griffith Law Review 28(2): 154-172.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2019. “‘The Continuation of Sovereign Capture by Other Means’: Biopolitical Tattooing and the Shared Logic of the Exception and Securitization.” Critical Studies on Security 7(1): 34-50.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2018. “‘Blending’ Docent Learning: Using Google Forms Quizzes to Increase Efficiency in Interpreter Education at Fort Henry.” Journal of Museum Education 43(1): 47-54.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2017. “Using Active Learning Pedagogy to Develop Essay Writing Skills in Introductory Political Theory Tutorials.” Journal of Political Science Education 13(3): 346-354.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2017. “Pouvoir Constituant Betrayed: A Model of Abjection in Power Relations.” Journal of Political Power 10(1): 85-93.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2017. “The Special Council of Lower Canada and the Origin of Canadian Sovereignty.” Canadian Political Science Review 11(1): 90-113.
Murphy, Michael PA. 2017. “The Empire Strikes Back: Towards a Marxist Critique of Soccer in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics 20(9): 1271-1280.
Book Chapters
Murphy, Michael PA. “In Case of Shifting Polarity, Break Glass: Security Studies in an (Un)Changing World.” Kingston Consortium in International Security 2023 Yearbook.
Murphy, Michael PA and Vassilios Paipais. “Political Theology.” In the Elgar Encyclopedia of International Relations. Edited by Beate Jahn and Sebastian Schindler. Forthcoming.
Murphy, Michael PA. “Early Career Instructors: An Agenda for Research and Practice.” In Teaching Political Science and International Relations for Early Career Instructors. Edited by Michael P.A. Murphy and Misbah Hyder. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Under Contract.
Murphy, Michael PA. “Theoretical Questions and Questions about Theory: Teaching an Upper-Year Undergraduate IR Seminar.” In the Palgrave Handbook on the Pedagogy of International Relations Theory. Edited by Jamie Frueh, Jaqueline de Matos Ala, Michael P.A. Murphy, and Paul Diehl. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Groen, Jovan, Aline Germain-Rutherford, and Michael P.A. Murphy. “Learning from Experience: Facilitating an Institution-Wide Reflection on the Recent Transition to Distance/Online Teaching and Learning.” In Online Learning, Open Education, and Equity in the Age of COVID. Edited by Brad Wuetherick, David Graham, Aline Germanin-Rutherford, David Hornsby, Nancy Turner, and Nick Baker. Athabasca: Athabasca University Press. Forthcoming.
Murphy, Michael PA. “Taking Teaching Philosophies Seriously: Pedagogical Identity, Philosophy of Education, and New Opportunities for Publication.” In The Palgrave Handbook of Teaching and Research in Political Science. Edited by Charity Butcher, Tavishi Bhasin, Maia Hallward, and Elizabeth Gordon, 13-21. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
Murphy, Michael PA. “Turning Seminar Papers into Articles.” In APSA Strategies for Navigating Graduate School and Beyond. Edited by Kevin Lorentz, Daniel J. Mallinson, Julia Marin Hellwege, Davin Phoenix, and J. Cherie Strachan, 161-166. Washington, DC: American Political Science Association, 2022.
Murphy, Michael PA. “A Quantum Social Theory for Critical International Relations.” In Quantizing International Relations. Edited by James Der Derian and Alexander Wendt, 244-261. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Murphy, Michael PA. “Megarianism, Emancipation, and the (Im)Potentiality of Political Ontology: A Commentary on Freedom in Schmitt’s Dystopia.” In Carl Schmitt and The Buribunks: Technology, Law, Literature. Edited by Kieran Tranter and Edwin Bikundo, 100-119. London: Routledge, 2022.
Murphy, Michael PA. “On Giorgio Agamben’s Theoretical Debt to Simone Weil: Destituent Potential and Decreation.” In Simone Weil: Beyond Ideology? Edited by Julie Daigle and Sophie Bourgault, 83-102. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
For book reviews, blog posts, and other writings, as well as conference activity, see my CV.